About Us
As of early 2011, we have about three dozen or so people who are actively participating in the VGT. We have few illusions of becoming a mass movement … but would love to see this happen! We recognize that it is fairly unusual for a group of Americans to voluntarily give up a privilege as precious as cheap gasoline. But, we believe that if we don’t, we will continue down the road of environmental degradation and international conflict over oil.
We come from all walks of life: carpenters, students, teachers, nurses, bike technicians, counselors, stay-at-home parents, pastors, farmers, web developers. We are united around the cause of reducing our society's reliance on oil. We’re having a great time with this campaign and encourage you to gather together a group of folks who would take this on in your community. Let us hear from you. We’d love to circulate the stories.
– Ray, Ben (that's him on the bike), Anna, Sharon, Cory, Justin, Wilma, Jason, Earl, Jonathan, Pat, Heidi, Lynn, Melody, Mark, Erica, Kiara, Justin, Jason, Paul, Nancy, Kathleen, Ted, Jeff, Tammy, Peter, Ilse, Harold, Mary Nan, Curt, Ed, Clara and Amy
The best way to reach us is through: voluntarygastax@gmail.com